
Cloudflare Turnstile for Gravity Forms WordPress Plugin

Protect your forms form spammers!

If you are looking for a secure way to protect your Gravity Forms from spam and malicious attacks, then our Cloudflare Turnstile plugin for WordPress may be the perfect solution for you. It’s the latest CAPTCHA advancement since Google!

We’ve developed a small, lightweight, and efficient WordPress plugin that does just that; just simply download, install, configure, then sit back and relax!


Cloudflare Turnstile is free, and so is our plugin.

We spend countless hours creating and maintaining our plugins, and rely on donations to help cover our costs. A single donation helps us to continue to improve our plugins, add new features, and ensure that we can continue to offer high-quality support.

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An example of the Gravity Forms edit screen with Turnstile enabled.

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Why do I need the Cloudflare Turnstile for Gravity Forms WordPress Plugin?

The Cloudflare Turnstile plugin for Gravity Forms is a powerful security solution that can protect your WordPress website from spam and malicious attacks. In this article, we will discuss why you need the Cloudflare Turnstile for Gravity Forms WordPress plugin and how it can benefit your website.

First and foremost, the Cloudflare Turnstile plugin provides an additional layer of security for your Gravity Forms. Turnstile is a part of the Cloudflare firewall, which means that it uses the same powerful security features that Cloudflare provides to millions of websites around the world. With Turnstile in place, your Gravity Forms are protected against spam and other malicious attacks, which can save you a lot of time and effort in dealing with fraudulent submissions.


One of the biggest advantages of using the Cloudflare Turnstile plugin is that it is incredibly easy to set up and use. Once you have installed the plugin, all you need to do is connect it to your Cloudflare account, and you are good to go. There is no complicated configuration or setup required, which makes it ideal for website owners who are not security experts.

Another benefit of using the Cloudflare Turnstile plugin is that it can improve the overall performance of your website. Turnstile uses machine learning algorithms to analyze the traffic coming to your site and identifies any suspicious activity. If it detects any malicious traffic, it will block it before it even reaches your Gravity Forms. This means that your website will load faster and will be more responsive, which can improve the user experience and increase engagement.

The Cloudflare Turnstile plugin also provides real-time analytics and reporting, which can be very useful for website owners. With Turnstile, you can get detailed insights into the traffic coming to your website, including the number of requests, the type of traffic, and the countries from which the traffic is originating. This information can help you identify potential threats and make informed decisions about how to optimize your website's performance.

Finally, the Cloudflare Turnstile plugin is a cost-effective solution for protecting your Gravity Forms. Unlike other security solutions, Turnstile is available as part of the Cloudflare firewall, which means that you don't have to pay extra for it. This can be a significant cost savings, especially for small businesses or individuals who may not have the budget for expensive security solutions.


In conclusion, if you want to protect your Gravity Forms from spam and other malicious attacks and improve the overall performance of your website, then the Cloudflare Turnstile plugin for Gravity Forms WordPress is definitely worth considering. With its powerful security features, ease of use, and cost-effectiveness, Turnstile can provide a valuable addition to your website's security arsenal.


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